Live Class Schedule





• Access Hundreds of On-Demand Classes
• LIVE Classes Every Weekday
• Wide Variety of Class Types
• Class Lengths from 15 to 45 Minutes
• Affordable Monthly Membership (only $60/month)


You are invited!  Having a live instructor, even if not in the same room, is important. But it can be hard to find time to practice, and when you practice at a studio you need to add the extra time to get there, set up, practice, in then travel back home. Making it so your one-hour practice eats up two or more hours of your day!

To make your practice more successful and easier to maintain, particularly on busy days, drop by these online, live classes, with a real person teaching! 


The Mission – We focus on the JMY mission mission in every class: “Enliven Community, Cultivate Positivity, Deepen Understanding.”

Classes Are Short – JMY offers 15 to 45 minute classes that easily fit in your schedule.

Wherever You Are – Wherever you are, just turn on your computer, and take a deep, sweet inhale.

We’re Friends – Before class starts we say “hi” to one another and talk about what’s new. You are not an invisible student, but a welcome, seen addition to your yoga community.

Your Practice – Do what feels right for you, without pressure from anyone else. At JMY you are invited to enjoy the best practice for you each day.

All of Yoga – Instead of a narrow focus on the physical practice, we consider ALL aspects of yoga. Each class has a theme you can contemplate and carry throughout the day. Some classes may include meditation, others breathing exercises, or we might focus deeply on the physical practice.


Bhakti Flow (45 Minutes)
Bhakti is the practice of love and devotion. Flow is the practice of movement and joy. Bhakti Flow brings it all together in an energized, uplifting experience.

Breathe & Chill (15 Minutes)
The breath has the power to transform. Harness it, and you’ll go places! In this relaxing chill-out session we’ll use the breath and gentle movement to get you where you need to be.

Good Morning Yoga (45 Minutes)
Good Morning!  Start your day with a community-centered yoga experience among friends. It’s a breath of fresh air that lasts the whole day.

Jump Start! (30 Minutes)
Jump start your morning with a fun, accessible yoga practice. Each unique class will focus on invigorating practices that gets your body moving and your heart pumping.

Lunch Break (30 Minutes)
Break up your day with an invigorating yoga practice. Join in for a short class you can do anywhere—even at the office.

Philosophy Flow (45 Minutes)
Philosophy is the foundation of yoga. Each Philosophy Flow class will connect us to historical teachings. We’ll bring the wisdom texts of the ages to life in an accessible flow designed to open hearts and minds.

Work Release (45 Minutes)
Let go of the work day! This lively yoga class is the perfect way to transition from your work day to your Self.

Yoga Shot (15 Minutes)
Enliven your day with a short shot of yoga. Just like the perfect espresso, this tasty practice can be all you need to turn your day, or life, around! Yoga Shot practices may include movement, meditation, contemplation, philosophy and breath. It’s always fun!