I want to be sure everyone knows about some stuff coming up I’m really excited about.  These next few weeks are exciting!

Thursday, Sept 1st
Lululemon Sunset Sweat on the Burlington Waterfront yoga
This should be really fun.  We’ll have an hour outdoor yoga class right before sunset on the waterfront, and it’s free.  So, no reason not to come on down and check it out!

Friday, Sept 9th
Evolution Yoga’s 5th Anniversary party with New Nile Orchestra (my band!)
Band starts at 6pm, FREE
Each year during ArtHop Evolution has it’s birthday party, and this is the 5th birthday!  For the last couple years my band, New Nile Orchestra, has been playing.  New Nile is a world music band with a singer/dancer from Ethiopia.  Pretty funky, and fun stuff.  Hope to see you there.

Saturday, Sept 10th
Lululemon Salutation Nation 2011 at Shelburne Farms
9-10am, FREE
Burlington, Vermont Salutation NationNow this is really going to be cool.  I will be teaching an outdoor yoga class at Shelburne Farms with Katie Bohlin and Danielle Vardakas-Ducko.  The goal is to get 300 people to come to this free event.  It really should be a party.  I’m excited to be having fun with that many yogis!   Check it out — first come and dance at Evolution on Friday night, and then come to Shelburne Farms on Saturday for some outdoor yoga.  Now that’s a cool weekend.  🙂