For New Year’s I had a great time going up to Montreal for the weekend with my family. It was awesome! When my wife and I first met we actually spent New Year’s in Montreal, but we haven’t done it since, and that was 15 years ago. We did all kinds of great stuff – we went to the Biodome, we went skating in the Old Port, found a great Thai restaurant, went swimming in our hotel, watched the Fireworks, saw an outdoor concert, rode the metro (quite exciting for us Vermonters!), took a nice walk. It was great!

In thinking about it after getting back I realized that what made it really fun is that no one had any strict agenda. Everyone was really open to do whatever. It seemed like we were moving pretty slow, but at the same time we did a lot of stuff over a 24 hour period. What we were doing was really going with our hearts, going with the flow of things, letting stuff come as it a came.

For me in my everyday life it seems like that sense of going with the flow gets caught up an an agenda to “get things done” and to accomplish something. Being on this trip opened me up more to how nice it is to go with things as the come, and maybe even get more stuff done and waste less time in the process.

Today’s video is practice of this idea – I hope you enjoy it! John