Good Morning Yoga
Join Us For A Daily Yoga Class
Yoga online every weekday morning from 7:30-8:30amET.
Join a committed community of yogis & yoginis, as we enjoy each others company and deepen our yoga practice.
You are invited! For a lot of people, having a live instructor, even if not in the same room, is important. It can be hard to find time to practice, and when you practice at a studio you need to add the extra time to get there, set up, practice, in then get back home. Making it so your one hour practice takes two hours of your day!
To make your practice more successful and easier to maintain, particularly on busy days, drop by this online, live class, with a real person teaching the class! You will be a welcome part of this online community.
What is so great about Good Morning Yoga, you might ask?
• The Mission – We focus on the mission of John McConnell Yoga in every class: “Enliven Community, Cultivate Positivity, Deepen Understanding.”
• Close to Bed – You can literally roll and off bed 5 minutes before class and “get to the studio” on time.
• We’re Friends – People who come to class are excited to meet knew people who want to be here – we know each other! We say hi to one another, welcome each other, talk about our lives, and enjoy a practice together. You are not an invisible student, but a welcome, seen addition to our morning community.
• Your Practice – You can do what feels right for you, without pressure from anyone else. You get have the experience of doing your practice in a way that feels great for you, without looking around the room feeling like you aren’t doing it right, or feeling pressure from the teacher. Here, you are invited to enjoy the best practice for you each day.
• All of Yoga – Instead of a narrow focus on only the physical practice, we consider all aspects of yoga, and each class has a theme to contemplate and carry through out the day. Some classes may include meditation, others breathing exercises, or we might focus deeply on the physical practice.

Details on How to Sign-Up
TIME: Monday-Friday, 7:30-8:30am ET
COST: $15/class or $40/week
PAYMENT ON VENMO: John-McConnell-50