In this episode we think about the power of being open minded and willing to learn.  A quote that we focus on is from the Bhagavad Gita.

This world is a learning ground, a place to discipline, train, and elevate all beings.  If we decline to learn we cannot derive the benefit of the schooling.

What Krisha is saying here is that no matter how hard it is to a face difficulty or conflict in our lives, we should because we are here to learn, and that will teach us something.  I also like the idea that one’s personal learning is not just of benefit to them, it’s of benefit to overone.  It’s on job a citizens on the Earth to learn and share with each other so that we all grow from that.  I think that’s pretty cool.

I’ve put together a pretty mellow hip opener video with this in mind.  In fact,  the whole sequence is seated or lying down, which is a nice practice to have sometimes.

Hope you enjoy the video.  John