Finding The Bliss In Transitions

I’ve been contemplating one of my favorite sutras from the the vijnana bhairava tantra. If you don’t know it, the vijnana bhairava tantra is a group of over a hundred sutras, each about how to find blissfullness in everyday life. The one I’ve been...

Actions Speak Louder Than Asana

I was reminded recently of the difference between focusing on creating a posture from the outside in rather than focusing on the “actions” that underlie the creation of the posture, and making it come from the inside. One way to think of it is in terms of...

Chit Ananda

I am spending the week at Kripalu assisting Todd Norian and Ann Greene at an Anusara workshop. It’s been a really wonderful experience. On top of that, last week my wife and I assisted Ann in teaching a couples workshop here. While Jane and I were helping out...

Finding Support in Community

This week’s class is about drawing in and connecting to the energy of community in helping you connect more to your own heart and to yourself. I had this wonderful experience recently where my wife and I were driving to a community oriented class of 108 Sun...

Creating Space To See Inner Goodness

In this week’s video I’m focusing on creating spaciousness inside to be able to connect with the goodness that is always present. I had an experience this past weekend where my wife’s computer died suddenly, without any warning. It was a shocking...

Wonderful yogaLIVE! Experience

We had a great yogaLIVE! class on Saturday.  The day was pretty hot, and one of those kind of days where you just want to stay inside, read books, and take naps.  So, I wasn’t so sure people would be able to come.  But then a great crowd of people showed up!  It...