Yoga Retreat August 16-18th in Quebec

bedroom_sceneLet’s get right to it — by this Sunday, May 19th, I need to hear from those folks who are committed (or at least 90% sure) they will be heading to this retreat I am holding at Jouvence in Quebec. This will help me to confirm the space we need for the retreat. You can still sign up after this weekend .. BUT .. I need a commitment from at least 10 people in order to secure a space for us.

As a little incentive, if you commit to reserving your spot by Midnight, May 19th, I will give you a 20% discount on the yoga fee (the lodging is out of my hands).

The costs are divided between a payment to Jouvence for lodging and using the facilities, and a payment to John for the yoga retreat.

—-Lodging/Food/Activities Cost—-
$265/person for double occupancy (plus tax)
$325/person for single occupancy (plus tax)

For Lodging Payment Contact Jouvence directly — email them or call 1.800.567.3134. Let them know it’s for the John McConnell Yoga retreat.

—-Yoga Cost—-
Regular Price: $185
Register by midnight on Sunday, May 19th: $148 (20% off!)




(Questions?? Comment to this post, call me at 802-488-0124, or email me directly at